Happy New Year! - December 2024/January 2025

Happy New Year from Lucien, Stirling & Gray

by - Thomas Twombly

artist - Daisy Lopez

As we say a final goodbye to 2024 and as we welcome in 2025, we want to let you know how truly grateful we are to have the privilege to serve such a universally likeable group of clients, and to work alongside such an equally respectable and enjoyable group of trustworthy advisers and friends.

This past year has been just full of examples of connection and collaboration in pursuit of the individual objectives held dear by so many people with whom we share valued relationships. And the feelings of satisfaction and purpose that we have derived from those experiences have endowed us with a deep sense of enjoyment and happiness as we look forward to the coming year. Every one of us here at Lucien, Stirling & Gray can quickly point to many such experiences in the past twelve months, and we sincerely thank you for helping to create them.

What’s most remarkable about being able to say this is that we are otherwise living through an age of profound mistrust – not only in this country, but throughout the world. People everywhere find themselves deeply suspicious towards established institutions of all types, and profoundly skeptical towards large corporations, entrenched interests, and long-held belief systems.

Disruption, change and upheaval are evident everywhere you look. Whether it’s political, technological, social, environmental, or financial, the uneasiness that large numbers of people feel towards each other and towards the future is palpable.

So it is against this backdrop that we would like to ask for your help and your advice. As we embark on the first half of our journey into 2025, we’d like to hear your candid, unvarnished thoughts about what’s most important to you, and to people like you, when you work closely with a team such as ours. What are we doing well? What are we not doing so well? What needs to change? How can we serve you, and people like you, better? In your humble opinion, how should we adapt to this rapidly changing environment?

We’re not looking for miracles. We’re not looking for towering home runs. We are looking for thoughtful, authentic feedback from trustworthy people who care enough about our future growth and our ongoing success that you are willing to share the truth. And we are looking to pay careful attention, and to act on your considered advice.

We will be in touch. I sincerely hope you will be willing to share it, because we value your perspective.

Thank you, as always, for your confidence and trust. And may 2025 be a year of health, happiness and prosperity for all of us!

Thomas G. Twombly
